subota, 17. prosinca 2011.

Hipbones, collarbones, cheekbones...

So I guess we all have good times and bad times. This has been a bad time for me... I blame finals. It's just very hard at school for me right now, and yesterday I slept for like 3 hours maybe... One more reason why school is going on my nerves lately - I keep fighting with this friend of mine, let's call her F.
I told her about my ed months ago when I thought I can trust her and that I got over it - kinda. Actually, idk what I was thinking. And the thing is that she's fat. Like really fat - the type of fat people who are always asking others if they have food, eating 24/7... Disgusting.

She has 0 confidence and I think she blames it all on me. Cuz I am skinnier than her (a lot) but wtf. And I think she has some mental problems, cuz believe me she acts like that. Always freaking out, crying... And I'm sick of it. I would help her if she let me, or if she wouldn't be such a jerk to me.
She told me I was sick but she really needs to get a good look at herself. Gross. Stupid fat bitch. People have no right telling us anything.

Anyways when I see her I just hope I will never be like that. I never was and no one in my family either so I don't think it's possible but still.

Being fat stops you from being you. It hides you, literally. And that is fucking awful. I think I'm fat. And I am (even though like 60lbs skinnier than F).

I can't wait for the time when my clothes are adherent to my bones, when there's no body fat to stop in their way and when I can wear anything and make it look good. I want to take "Lose weight" off my New Year's resolutions. At least some of it... I'm gonna be home alone for about 10 days before New Years and if I start controlling my self harder from now, I might even make it till then...?

I saw on someone's blog I can't remember whos - the 2468 diet. Day 1-200cals, day 2-400 cals, day 3-600 cals, day 4-800 cals, and then all over again. And I would threw in a couple days of fasting cuz thats when I feel I do my best.
But it's Christmas, holidays, I'm not sure how am I gonna make it...
So maybe if I had someone I can call or talk to when I feel like eating all the chocolate I got from my gramma in Italy, or when my mom makes my favourite on sundays. So does anyone wanna do the diet with me? If so, e-mail me ( or comment, I would be really grateful.:)

2 komentara:

  1. Ugh, I have a friend just like F, and it really pisses me off when people are all judgy and such like that (And my friend doesnt even know about the ed lol)- on the plus side, she may be irritating as hell, but she kinda works like reverse thinspiration if you think about it.
    You're so right about what you said about "fat stops you from being you" - it really does and I think that's what a lot of us are scared of. I know I am
    I'd loooove to do the 2468 diet with you, but I'm not going to be around for a lot of the holidays so I'd be a pretty useless buddy, but goodluck on it! I'm sure you'll do great! :)

  2. Lol yea like leigha said, ppl like that really serve as good reverse thinspo! which actually tends to work better for me than actual thinspo haha. I'm planning on doing the 2468 diet too, but thats after xmas so i can ease in back to a normal diet of like 1200 cals for next year. right now I'm just fasting until xmas. and maybe if i can until new years as well...well gud luck! & stay strong<3
